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Werner + Martin Eckel GbR
Am Teich 5
D-19348 Berge GT Grenzheim
Phone: +49 (38785) 60 91-0
Fax: +49 (38785) 60 91-1
E-Mail: info@eckelgbr.com

We are still looking for partners outside of europe
Korea: Hankwang Corporation
Hankwang Corp.


Calculation of the processability index Cpk

The Cpk value is determined from:

  • µ = average value of all measurements
  • s = standard deviation of the measurements

D represents the smaller interval of the average value µ to one of the limit values. With real magnet measurements the interval to the lower limit value represents, in most cases, the smaller interval.

Cpk = D / 3s

A fail-safe production with a theoretical overshooting of the tolerance by no more than 64 ppm (or 32 ppm for one side respectively) can only be guaranteed for Cpk >= 1,33.